Please note that additional parking at Costco and Shepherd of the Hills Church is available
Day 6 Schedule:
Day 6: Kalaynam
Today we are blessed to have darshan of the beautiful wedding ceremony of Lord Maha Vishnu and His energies, Sri Devi and Bhu Devi
While Sri Devi represents His Anugraha Shakti (compassion potency), Bhu Devi signifies his Nigraha shakti (Controlling potency).
The beautiful wedding ceremony is a festival for the eyes- a wonderful nayanotsavam indeed!
Vakula devi is considered the reincarnation of Mother Yashoda, who manifested to take part in the wedding of her beloved son, Srinivasa.
Today, we are blessed to get the same darshan she did so many centuries ago.
Srimad Rama Ramana Govindo Hari!
Day 6: Abishekam
The Srimad Bhagavatam describes how Krishna is ever-eager to reciprocate with the love of His devotees
For Mother Yashoda, Maha Vishnu became the innocent baby Gopal
For the the beautiful gopis of Vrindavan, He manifested as the charming Kishora
For the ardent Prahlada, He incarnated as the vigorous Narasimha Bhagavan
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna lovingly explains
Patram pushpam phalam toyam
yo me bhaktya prayaachatti
tad aham bhakti uparitam
ashnami prayatatmanaha
Oh Arjuna, who ever, with love in his heart, offers me a leaf, a flower, or even a drop of water, I lovingly accept.
Krishna is ever-eager to reciprocate with even the smallest expressions of our devotion.
The abisheka ceremony is a way of bathing the Lord with the devotion of our hearts.
Refresh Him with the cooling milk of pure intentions, sweet honey of devotion, and fruits of surrenderance
Jai Sriman Narayana
Day 5 Schedule :
Garuda Vahana
The Srimad Bhagavatam describes the heart-churning tale of how a helpless elephant cries out to Lord Narayana, seeking protection from the jaws of a powerful crocodile.
Lord Vishnu, moved by Gajendra’s helpless plea, swoops down to the elephant’s rescue on His powerful Garuda Vahana- His ever- eager eagle devotee.
We are all like Gajendra in so many ways, caught up in the jaws of repeated birth and death in the ocean of samsāra.
Garuda represents the compassion of Maha Vishnu and His eagerness to reciprocate with and protect His bhaktas.
Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita famously proclaims-
Ananyas chintayanto mām
Ye Jana pari upasate
Tesham nitya bhi yuktānām
Yoga ksheemam vahāmyaham
Let us take this opportunity to remember Maha Vishnu and meditate upon his compassion towards the elephant devotee Gajendra
Govindaaaa govindaaaaaa
Hanuman Vahana Seva
Hanuman is the embodiment of selfless service, knowledge, and devotion.
When meeting Hanuman for the first time on the Kishkinda Parvata, Sri Rama is so impressed by Hanuman’s impeccable skill of articulation, and praises him that only the knower of the Rig, Sama and Yajur Vedas can speak with so much grace and intelligence.
Upon learning of Rama’s identity, Hanuman bends over and accepts the divine brothers on his shoulders, taking them to Sugreeva’s abode
It is Hanuman who leaps off the Mahendra mountain to reach Lanka, defeating demonesses like Surasa and Lankini.
It is Hanuman who eloquently reassures Mother Sita of Rama’s mission to rescue her, bringing back hope and life to her distressed heart
It is Hanuman who defeats the demon Akshay Kumar and sternly warns Lanka-pati Ravana to return Mother Sita
It is Hanuman who encourages Rama to befriend the genuine and ardent Vibishana
It is Hanuman who destroys the demons headed by Nikumbha, Devaantaka and Akampana
It is Hanuman who brings the Sanjeevani herbs to resuscitate the fallen Lakshmana
The brilliant pastimes are never ending, as described by Tulsidas in the Hanuman Chalisa.
Today, Hanuman manifests before us at the Hindu Temple of Wisconsin to carry his beloved Sri Ramachandra Bhagavan on his shoulders.
We are getting the same darshan today as the onlooker monkeys of the Kishkinda parvata did many yugas ago
Let us offer our prayers to Hanuman and Lord Ramachandra, and welcome them into the Kishkinda abode of our hearts.
Each one of us, like Sugreeva, need Rama and Hanuman to manifest in our lives so they may bless us with strength, confidence, and compassion.
Jai Hanuman!
Sarva Bhupala Vahana Seva
Yedu kondala vadaa… venkata ramanaaa.. Govindaaa…govindaaaaa
Namaskaram everyone! Welcome to day 4 of the Bramhotsava seva.
Utsavam means utsāha, and utsāha means enthusiasm- so the bramhotsava festivities must be celebrated with enthusiasm!
Today Lord Narayana ascendes his throne as the sarva bhupalaka- the lord who rules over everything
In the Bhagavatam, Lord Vishnu describes how the wind blows, rain falls, and fire burns under his instruction
Every single event that takes place in the cosmos stems from Vishnu
He is the master of all directions and elements, time and space.
From him, all creation manifests
As Krishna says in the Gita
अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्त: सर्वं प्रवर्तते ।
ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo
mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate
I am the master of everything, and from Me everything comes into manifestation
Let us offer our obesciences to the Lord who is Sarva Bhupalaka!
The Brahmotsavam festival, also known as Brahma’s Utsavam, is a six (6) day celebration at our Hindu Temple of Wisconsin, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA honoring Lord Brahma’s gift to Lord Vishnu. The festival’s name comes from Indian scriptures that say Lord Brahma performed the Utsavam to thank Sri Vishnu for protecting the humanity.
It is a significant Hindu festival marked by elaborate processions, rituals, and festivities spanning several days, during which the presiding deity is worshiped with great devotion and pomp. The festival includes processions called Utsavams that feature the Sri Vishnu Utsava Murthi on different chariots, or Vahanas. The festival is characterized by colorful decorations, traditional music and dance performances, and the participation of devotees from far and wide. It holds deep religious and cultural significance, serving as a time for spiritual renewal, community bonding, and celebration of divine grace.
Brahmotsavam, in our temple, is not just a religious event but also a cultural extravaganza that brings together people of diverse backgrounds to celebrate the essence of Hinduism and spirituality in our Greater Milwaukee area. Please join us in the celebration and receive the blessings of Sri Vishnu & goddess Lakshmi. See the flier for the event details.

On Sunday June 30th, we invite everyone to participate by bringing a homemade Bakshanam (sweet or savory prashad) to offer. Please deliver parshad to HTW Auditorium by 11 am. To ensure a variety of offerings, we kindly ask that you sign up for the specific item listed or any other item you would like to bring. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family and celebrating together! go/10C0D4EAAAC28ABF85- 50094444-2024
Signup below for Dwadasa Aradhana and need offering by 1 PM