There is a saying that Prayer moves mountains. Prayer when done properly and collectively, the positive vibrations are spread throughout. Prayer sincerely done for causes of others is more effective than a Prayer for self. So, the Prayer not only gives inner peace, but also results in provoking the nature for good. Prayer always works because the one who receives is the all pervading Almighty who controls the world. The ability to run something is a masculine power so we call that power as “He” God. The ability to console, soothe, be compassionate is the feminine power.
The ability of the Supreme Lord to yield to the devotees and bless them with wealth is called as “Sri“. God can be called with many names identifying various qualities of Lord. Each form and name has a purpose. Thus, God becomes “He” and His compassion is “She“. We always seek protection with compassion. The compassion has the synonym like “Sri” because the meaning of the word is the one who is approachable and the one who listens to our needs. Interestingly, Veda identified the Almighty, as the one who rules, who creates and who supports this Universe as a Purusha. But to identify, it clearly said in Purusha Suktha, “Hri:schathe: lakshmi:scha pathnayow”. It recognized Him through Lakshmi as His Divine spouse. So, the indicator for the Lord is the “compassion” and her name is “Lakshmi“. The Vedic scriptures like Agamas and Agama Samhithas described the process of worship.